Media service of the FRETILIN party.
Servisu media partidu FRETILIN nian.


Deputadu Jose Teixeira
Tel. Mobile: +670 728 7080

Monday, May 31, 2010




31 May 2010


Sr Presidenti Parlamento Nasional,

Illustres Deputados,

Povo Maubere tomak.

Bancada FRETILIN hakarak deklara nia preokupasaun relasiona ho polemika ne’ebe mosu iha semana kotuk kona ba lia los situasaun seguransa iha distritu Ermera.

Desde fulan Maiu nia klaran mak ita hotu rona Komandante Geral PNTL nian, Longuinhos Monteiro deklara katak iha problema ho seguransa iha distritu Ermera.

Iha 19 Maiu 2010, Jornal Nasional Diario publika artigu ida tuir entrevista ho Sr Monteiro kona ba existensia grupus armados iha Distritu Ermera, ho titulo “Grupu Armado Illegal Iha Ermera ho Kilat 11”.  Iha entrevista nee Sr Monteiro koalia ho konfiansa katak grupu illegal ema 13 mobiliza iha area Siboni, Bobonaro, iha areas rurais izolado. Nia temi katak “sira mos halo manobra politika kampanha oin-oin kona ba sira nia objectivu,” no “grupu ida ilegalmente organizadu halao actividade terrorizmu ho kilat iha liman hodi alkansa sira nia objectivu.”  Nia hatutan tan ho konfiansa katak, “ami hatene ona sira iha neebe, ita nia ema agora serku hela sira.”

Bancada FRETILIN lamenta tebes ho deklarasoens alarmistas hirak nee husi Komandante Geral PNTL nian, Sr Longuinhos Monteiro kona ba situasaun seguransa Ermera neebe hamosu preokupasaun no tauk iha komunidade Ermera nia leet.  Ho deklarasoens hirak nee Povo sente la hakmatek no preokupa ba sira no sira nia familia nia seguransa.

Maibe laos deit Povo baibain mak preokupa, tamba halo mos deputada husi bloko AMP, Sra Maria Exposto mos hakfodak no fo sai nia no povo Ermera nia preokupasaun iha uma fukun ida nee.   Maibe se ita hare ba deklarasoens husi Komandante Geral PNTL nian iha tempo neeba, se mak atu preokupa.  Tamba Komandante Geral temi “grupus armados, “grupus ilegalmente organizado”, “manobra politika oin-oin” no “sira halo actividade terrorizmu” entaun razoavel ba ema se se deit atu konklui katak Ermera existe iha perigu laran, liliu iha zona izoladas.

Tuir ami nia hare, kampanha alarmismo nee halao ho intensidade tan tuir mai bainhira Komandante Geral deklara katak iha insidente “tiru malu iha horas tolu nia laran” entre PNTL nia elementus no grupu armado ida.

Iha entrevista neebe publika husi Centro Jornalismu Investigativu Timor-Leste, Komandamnte Geral deklara tan katak: “Grupu ilagais iha material funu nian ne’ebe mai husi kilat ne’ebe forsa Indonezia uja antes de 1999”, no “Ema eis militar 745 ida, reforma tiha ona, nia mak agora lidera grupo armadu ida iha Ermera, sira iha kilat, maibe ami sei aproxima sira.”

Iha tempo neeba bancada FRETILIN hahu kestiona ona deklarasoens neebe Komandante Geral PNTL nian halo. Deputados FRETILIN neebe ba too fatin neeba no iha kontaktu ho Povo iha neeba, ho PNTL iha neeba, no agentes seguransa no defesa estadu RDTL nian, hamutuk ho ema seluk hahu kestiona  deklarasoens  hirak neeba husi Komandante Geral neebe ita bele dehan opinta scenario de inseguransa e potensial instabildade iha
Distritu Ermera.

Sr Presidenti,
Illustres Deputados.

Ita hotu akompanha kampanha informasaun publika ida nee, no ita mos hahu preokupa kona ba situasaun iha distritu Ermera, tamba ita hotu hakarak mak Povo moris hakmatek no seguru.  Liliu ita hotu lakoi Povo Ermera sai fali alvo ba instabilidade no konflitu hanesan grupus balun halo iha 2006, 2007 no 2008.  Desde estadu sitio remata iha 2008, situasaun iha distritu Ermera sai estavel no diak ba bebeik.

Iha tinan kotuk mos elesaun suco nian konsegue lao ho diak no iha ambiente politiku livre no tolerante tebes tamba la iha amesa husi grupu ruma hanesan uluk.  Tamba nee ita hotu preokupa ho informasaun neebe mosu tamba Povo Ermera merese paz no estabilidade hanesan distritos seluk seluk inklui ita hotu iha Dili.

Maibe iha sexta feira liu ba, loron 28 Maiu 2010, jornal nasional Timor Post publika entrevista ho Komandante PNTL distritu Ermera nian, Mariano Martins Soares, ne’ebe nia rejeita scenario inseguransa neebe Komandanmte Greal PNTL nian pinta iha fulan liu ba nia laran. Nia deklara katak “ilegal sira oin mos hau seidauk hare too ohin loron, tiru malu mos laiha. Keta kama mak nakdoko mak ema iha kapital dehan kilat mak tarutu fali iha Ermera nee.”  

Deklarasoens hirak nee klaru tebes no hamosu preokupasaun ba tamba sa mak situasaun tenke lao too iha nee.

Maibe laos deit Komandante Distritu Ermera nian mak rejeita scenario inseguransa neebe Komandante Geral PNTL nian pinta iha fulan liu ba nia laran. Iha sexta feira liu ba Komandante Operasional PNTL, Chefe Superintendente Mateus Fernandes deklara iha Jornal Diario Nasional katak “La iha kilat illegal iha Ermera.”

Nia dehan, “Komunidade halo actividade, hanesan basar faan sira nia sasan, hamnasa sira lasenti hanesan buat neebe ita rona iha Dili, hau husu komandante distritu Ermera maibe  nia dehan nia rasik mos la hatene tamba nee mak hau bele dehan situasaun neeba lao didiak tebes.”

Bainhira husu nia kona ba kilat espalha nia dehan: “Hau lakoi koalia buat ida rumores, dala ida tan hau lakoi koalia introduz rumores.”

Admimnistrador sub-distritu Letefoho mos rejeita rumores neebe mosu iha forma de deklarasoens husi Komandante Geral PNTL nian kona ba ema tiru malu ka ema lori kilat ilegal.  Nia dehan nune: “Informasaun rumores sira neebe mak ita rona dadauk iha rai laran li-liu Distritu Ermera nee nudar administrador Letefoho hau deklara katak, ida nee hanesan rumores, I ami normal hela, laiha buat ida akontese iha nee.”

Ami no ema seluk barak konkorda totalmente ho elementu responsavel PNTL nian iha distritu rasik nia konfirmasaun katak notisia uluk nee exagerado no alarmista liu.  Ita tenke fiar Komandante PNTL distritu nian bainhira nia rejeita totalmente rumores no boatus katak la iha kilat illegal espalha namkari iha distritu Ermera hanesan uluk ema komando geral dehan, no simu nia esklaresimentu katak populasaun keixa
deit mak ema lori katana halo intimidasaun.

Afinal depois de ita rona deklarasoens husi Komandante nai rua iha sexta feira liu ba ita hare katak informasaun neebe Komandante Geral koalia afinal la akontese tuir nia komandante iha distritu no nia komandante operasional rasik nia observasaun iha fatin.

Situasaun hanesan Komandante Distritu no Komandante Operasional PNTL nian deskreve mos bancada FRETILIN konsegue konfirma ho elementus husi orgaun seguransa no defesa estrutura RDTL nian no tuir deputados no lideres FRETILIN nia observasaun iha base.

Tuir Bancada FRETILIN nia hare deklarasoens husi Komandante Geral hatudu irresponsabilidade no attitude ida neebe labele simu husi ema neebe lolos tenke responsavel liu ho informasaun nebee nia fo sai, labele exagera, no tenke sukat lia fuan hodi labele halo povo preokupa no tauk.  Lolos nia lia fuan tenke buka maintein seguransa no tulun povo moris halmatek.

FRETILIN preokupa katak alarmismo hanesan ita hotu hare ona kona ba invensaun kazu “ninja” iha distritu Bobonaro no Covalima, neebe hetan kritikas makas husi ONG direitus humanus nian no Provedor Direitus Humanus no Justisa kona ba violasaun ema nia direitus humanus, bele repete fila fali iha Ermera.

FRETILIN preokupa makas ba lalaok ida neebe foin akontese kona ba kazu rumores kilat espalha no tiru malu iha Ermera.  Halo ita hanoin fali ba kazu “ninja” nian, tamba hanesan uluk sira hakilar makas ninja namkari hodi justifika operasaun boot no karun tebes iha neeba, resultadu investigasaun no prosesu iha tribunal hatudu katak alarmismo no invensaun ba situasaun inseguransa mak barak liu.

FRETILIN konkorda katak estadu presiza duni halo assaun hasoru kriminal nebe kontra lei, maibe la simu hahalok neebe kria fali paniku boot. Ida nee mak ita tenke kestiona, tamba motivo saida? Tamba Sr Primeiru Ministru de facto atu tuun ba Ermera atu halo kampanha politika iha semana oin ka?

FRETILIN propoen katak Komisaun B tenke solisita presensa membru governu de facto no komandante geral atu bele mai esplika ba Komisaun B situasaun tamba sa mak distritu Ermera bele sai fali alvo ba boatus no rumores iha media internasional husi nivel aas liu iha PNTL nia laran.

Ikus liu Sr Presidenti, informasaun neebe bancada FRETILIN hetan husi nia base iha Distritu Ermera hamosu preokupasaun ho manobras politikas husi elementus balun iha PNTL nia laran.  Tuir FRETILIN nia infrormasaun unidades PNTL balun hahu halo reasaun ba fatin neebe FRETILIN mos iha actividade makas.  Tuir FRETILIN nia hare, scenario kilat espalhado no grupus armados nee bele fasilmente justifika operasaun seguransa neebe bele hodi halo intimidasaun no preseguisaun politico ba Povo.

FRETILIN preokupa katak kampanha informasaun falsa kona ba kilat espalha no grupus armados illegal bele usa ba intimidasaun politika tamba Sr Monteiro rasik mak temi, katak grupus hirak nee halau “manobras politika oin-oin.”

Iha 2006-2007, Sr Primeiru Ministru de facto publikamente akuza coordenador FRETILIN iha distritu Ermera, Sr Antonio Lima Lima mak fahe kilat.  Akuzasoens hirak nee mos sai cruz todan boot ida ba militantes FRETILIN hotu iha distritu Ermera, maske akuzadores sira mak em realidade lori grupus armados ba iha Ermera.  Tempo hatudu katak akuzasoens Sr Xanana nia kontra coordenador FRETILIN iha Ermera nee falsu, la los, maibe too ohin loron nia seidauk rekonhese publikamente katak nia aluzasaun sala.

Ho koalia kona ba kilat espalha iha Ermera sempre iha ema neebe temi fali Sr Primeiru Miniostru nia lia fuan neebe uluk nia hodi akuza ami nia Camarada Lima Lima fahe kilat iha Ermera.  FRETILIN hanoin katak tempo too ona atu para koalia lia fuan falsu.

FRETILIN hanoin tempo too ona atu Sr Xanana husu desculpa ba Sr Antonio Lima Lima bainhira nia tuun ba halo nia kampanha iha Ermera.

FRETILIN rona dehan Sr Xanana hakarak ba visita abrigu uluk tempo resistensia nian.  Abrigu nain ida mak Sr Antonio no abrigu seluk mak iha Sr Durae, Kordenador Komisaun Poliika  FRETILIN nian ba Sub-distrital Ermera, Primeiro Ministro de faktu hakarak tama ba abrigu neeb uluk ami nia camaradas sira kehe no harii ho sira nia kosar no terus, maibe husu desculpa tamba hafoir sira nia naran nee labele ka?

Ho deklarasaun ida ami hato’o obrigado wa’in.

Deputado Arsenio Bano

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A FRETILIN adverte o chefe da polícia de Timor-Leste para não alarmar as comunidades de Ermera


Díli, 28 de maio de 2010

A FRETILIN adverte o chefe da polícia de Timor-Leste para não alarmar as comunidades de Ermera

Declarações exageradas feitas pelo chefe da polícia nacional, Longuinhos Monteiro, sobre a situação de segurança no distrito de Ermera, tem alarmado desnecessariamente as comunidades locais e parece ter uma motivação política, disse hoje o deputado da FRETILIN José Teixeira, um membro da comissão do Parlamento da Defesa, Segurança e dos Assuntos Externos.

O Sr. Teixeira disse que o "alarmismo" do comandante geral Monteiro pode estar relacionado com a visita prevista do de facto primeiro-ministro Xanana Gusmão, a Ermera na próxima semana.

O Sr. Teixeira disse que a FRETILIN irá apelar à comissão parlamentar para chamar o secretário de estado da Segurança e o chefe da polícia Monteiro para explicarem os acontecimentos que afetam a segurança em Ermera.

"Estamos muito preocupados pela forma como este assunto tem sido tratado. Temos sérias preocupações da intenção da polícia quando o de facto primeiro-ministro visitar o distrito de Ermera", disse ele.

O Sr. Teixeira disse que a FRETILIN analisou a situação de segurança em Ermera e procurou saber as preocupações e opiniões das comunidades locais, dos seus líderes, da Polícia local, bem como do pessoal da defesa e segurança pessoal e ainda de outros, e as opiniões destes contradizem as declarações alarmistas do comandante Monteiro.

O Sr. Teixeira disse que, "em 19 de maio de 2010 Monteiro foi relatado no Timor Post como referindo-se a um grupo organizado envolvido em atividades terroristas, que aterrorizavam e intimidavam comunidades, que estavam armados com armas de fogo e que tinha havido duas horas tiroteio" com a polícia no distrito de Ermera. Essas declarações claramente alarmaram as comunidades, e geraram perguntas no parlamento."

Contudo, hoje o Timor Post relatou o responsável máximo da polícia de Ermera, o comandante distrital Mariano Martins Soares, dizendo que, "eu não vi o rosto de uma pessoa envolvida em tais ilegalidades até agora, e quanto ao tiroteio talvez tenha sido o som de uma cama a bater durante a noite, e fez as pessoas na capital Díli acharem que houve tiros aqui em Ermera ".

O Sr. Teixeira disse que o comandante Monteiro tem espalhado boatos infundados sobre os grupos armados e de armamento espalhado em todo o distrito.

"O comandante da polícia de Ermera deixou claro na sua entrevista ao Timor Post que tinha havido alguma conduta criminosa, mas que as vitimas das comunidades relataram que os atacantes estavam apenas armados com machetes e não armas de fogo". Outros analistas da defesa e segurança que examinaram a situação em Ermera concordam com a avaliação do comandante do distrito.

O Sr. Teixeira disse que o alarmismo do comandante Monteiro foi similar às suas declarações alarmistas sobre a atividade dos 'ninja' nos distritos de Bobonaro e Covalima , no início deste ano.

"Estas declarações foram acompanhadas por uma grande operação policial, resultando em relatos generalizados de abusos dos direitos humanos documentados pelo Provedor de Justiça de Timor Leste para os Direitos Humanos e Justiça, e da ONG nacional dos direitos humanos, a Associação HAK. Estamos preocupados que o mesmo se vá repetir em Ermera ", acrescentou.

*Para mais informações contactem o deputado José Teixeira +670 728 7080
**Tradução de ROSÁRIO PEDRUCO para o TLN

Friday, May 28, 2010

FRETILIN warns Timor-Leste Police Chief not to alarm Ermera communities



Dili, 28 May 2010

FRETILIN warns Timor-Leste Police Chief not to alarm Ermera communities

Exaggerated statements by the National Police Chief Longuinhos Monteiro regarding the security situation in Ermera district have unnecessarily alarmed local communities and appear to be politically motivated, said FRETILIN MP Jose Teixeira, a member of Parliament's Defence, Security and Foreign Affairs Committee today.

Mr Teixeira said Commander General Monteiro's "scaremongering" may be related to de facto Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao's planned visit to Ermera next week.

Mr Teixeira said FRETILIN would urge the parliamentary committee to call the Secretary of State for Security and Police Chief Monteiro to explain events affecting security in Ermera. 

"We are very concerned by how this matter has been handled. We hold serious concerns for what may be intended by the police when the de facto Prime Minister visits Ermera district," he said.

Mr Teixeira said FRETILIN had examined the security situation in Ermera and sought the concerns and opinions of local communities, their leaders, the local Police, and other defence and security personnel which contradicted Commander Monteiro's alarmist statements.

Mr Teixeira said: "On the 19th of May 2010 Monteiro was reported in the Timor Post as referring to 'an organized group engaged in terror activities, terrorizing and intimidating communities.....armed with firearms' and that there had been a 'two hour shootout' with the Police in Ermera district.  These statements clearly alarmed the communities, and led to questions in parliament.

"However today's Timor Post reported Ermera's top police officer, District Commander Mariano Martins Soares as saying, 'I have not seen the face of one person engaged in such illegalities until now, and as for a shootout perhaps it was the sound of a bed banging at night that has made people in the capital Dili think that there were gun shots here in Ermera'.

Mr Teixeira said Commander Monteiro had been spreading unsubstantiated rumours about armed groups and weapons widespread throughout the district.

"The Ermera police commander made it clear in his Timor Post interview that there had been some criminal conduct but that the victim communities reported attackers armed with machetes only, not firearms. 

"Other national defence and security analysts who have surveyed the situation in Ermera agree with the district commander's assessment. 

Mr Teixeira said Commander Monteiro's scaremongering was similar to his alarmist statements about 'ninja' activities in Bobonaro and Covalima districts, earlier this year.

"These statements were accompanied by a major police operation resulting in widespread reports of human rights abuses documented by Timor Leste's Ombudsman for Human rights and Justice and a national human rights NGO, the HAK Association.  We are concerned this will be repeated in Ermera," he added.

For further information please contact Jose Teixeira MP on +670 728 7080




Dili, 28 Maiu 2010


Deputado Jose Teixeira husi Bancada FRETILIN no membru Komissaun Seguransa, Defesa no Negocios Estrangeiros  Parlamento Nasional nian, ohin deklara dehan katak nia lamenta ba deklarasoens alarmistas husi Komandante Geral PNTL nian, Longuinhos Monteiro kona ba situasaun seguransa Ermera iha fulan liu ba nee, no husu Komando Geral atu sukat sira nia lia fuan hodi labele halo deklarasaun neebe bele hamosu preokupasaun no tauk iha komunidade nia leet.

“Ami neebe ba ona too fatin neeba no iha kontaktu ho Povo iha neeba, ho PNTL iha neeba, no agentes seguransa no defesa estadu RDTL nian, hamutuk ho ema seluk hahu kestiona  deklarasoens neebe Komandante Geral fo sai iha Timor Post iha 19 Maiu 2010 katak grupu ‘organizado halao aktividade terror, terrorizmu neebe ameasa komunidade….lori kilat iah sira nia kilat’ no katak iha insidente ‘tiru malu horas rua’ iha fatin balun iha distritu Ermera.  Deklarasoens hirak nee halo komunidade sira iha neeba tauk. Halo mos deputada husi bloko AMP, Maria Exposto mos hakfodak no fo sai nia no povo nia preokupasaun iha parlamento nasional, maske laos nia mak sala, tamba komandante geral PNTL rasik mak deklara buat hirak nee, neebe hamosu tauk iha povo nia leet. Maibe agora ema balun desmente fali katak koalia hirak neeba la los,” Teixeira dehan.

Ohin jornal nasional Timor Post publika entrevista ho Komandante PNTL iha distritu Ermera, Mariano Martins Soares, deklara katak “ilegal sira oin mos hau seidauk hare too ohin loron, tiru malu mos laiha. Keta kama mak nakdoko mak ema iha kapital dehan kilat mak tarutu fali iha Ermera nee.”

“Ami no ema seluk barak konkorda totalmente ho elementu responsavel PNTL nian iha distritu rasik nia konfirmasaun katak notisia uluk nee exagerado no alarmista liu.  Ita tenke fiar Komandante PNTL ditritu nian bainhira nia rejeita totalemente rumores no boatus katak la iha kilat illegal espalha namkari iha distritu Ermera hanesan uluk ema komando geral dehan, no simu nia esklaresimentu katak populasaun keixa deit mak ema lori katana halo intimidasaun.  Informasaun neebe Komandante Geral koalia afinal la akontese tuir nia komandante iha kampu rasik nia esklaresimentu.  Elementus husi orgaun seguransa no defesa estrutura RDTL nian mos konfirma nunee duni ba ami tuir sira nia observasaun iha kampu. Nee hatudu attitude ida neebe ami la hein husi ema neebe lolos tenke responsavel ho informasaun, neebe labele exagera, no tenke sukat lia fuan atu halo povo hakmatek,” hatutan Teixeira.

Teixeira deklara katak nia ho nia partidu preokupa katak alarmismo hanesan ita hotu hare ona kona ba invensaun kazu “ninja” iha distritu Bobonaro no Covalima, neebe hetan kritikas makas husi ONG direitus humanus nian no Provedor Direitus Humanus no Justisa kona ba violasaun ema nia direitus humanus, bele repete fila fali iha Ermera.

“Ami preokupa makas ba ida nee, tamba maske uluk sira hakilar makas ninja namkari hodi justifika operasaun boot no karun tebes iha neeba, resultadu investigasaun no prosesu iha tribunal hatudu katak alarmismo no invensaun ba situasaun inseguransa mak barak liu.  Kriminalidade nee ita tenke hasoru ho lei, maibe kria fali paniku boot entaun ita tenke kestiona tamba motivo saida? Ami sei propoen ba Komisaun B katak tenke solisita presensa membru governu de facto no komando geral mai esplika ba Komisaun situasaun iha distritu Ermera.  Too agora ami la kontente ho gestaun ba assuntu ida nee,” Teixeira taka.

Ba informasaun tan favor dere mai Deputado Jose Teixeira iha +670 728 7080

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Komunikadu ba Imprensa: Coordenador Manufahi Ezigi STL Ajuda Hametin Nasionalismu no Patriotismu.

Komunikadu ba Imprensa
Dili, 27 Maiu 2010

Coordenador Manufahi Ezigi STL Ajuda Hametin Nasionalismu no Patriotismu.

Eis Secreatrio Estado Regiaun 2 iha primeiro governo constitucional, Adriano Corte Real, neebe husi kleur ona mak coordenador partidu historiku FRETILIN nian iha distritu Manufahi, deklara katak iha artigo ida neebe ohin publika iha STL, neebe dehan katak nia nudar “Lider FRETILIN balun iha Manufahi hakbesik ba Xanana,” nee exagerasaun boot no notisia falsu.

“Hanesan ema barak hau mos hare ona tendensia STL nian hakerek oioin deit, sem iha relasaun ho realidade.  Los katak hau hasoru malu ho Sr Xanana, maibe laos atu habesik aan politikamente.  Sr Xanana mak husu atu hau bele hasoru malu ho nia atu diskuti assuntu assosiasaun empresarial iha distritu Manufahi, neebe hau mak coordenador.  Nia husu mos hasoru hau tamba nia rekonhese hau nudar figura historiku Luta Libertasaun Nasional no FRETILIN nian hori 1974.”

“Hau desde 1974 iha partidu ida deit too ohin loron.  FRETILIN mak nee, no hau metin ba FRETILIN nia Comite Central no lideransa.  Hau laos atu tuir ema seluk hanesan jornal nee hakarak halo ema hanoin fali. Maibe hau mos husu, tamba sa mak ita labele hasoru malu?  Tamba partidu ka posisaun politika la hanesan  deit?  

Nee la los.  Ita nee compatriota Timor Oan mesak deit neebe uluk hamutuk luta ba ukun rasik aan.  Ita laos inimigo ba malu. Conseitu inimigo nee aplika ba ema seluk neebe contra ita nia ukun rasik aan, no conseitu uluk tempo funu nian, neebe la iha fatin ohin loron.  Ita atu lori rain nee ba oin ita tenke hatek ba oin, no rona malu tamba laos ema ida deit mesak mak sei lori rain nee ba oin.  Tanba nee mak ita bele tur koalia ho malu no rona malu, maske ikus mai ita la konkorda malu. Liliu tamba governu de facto nee ukun la los ona, problema barak, no FRETILIN forte ba bebeik,” dehan Coordenador FRETILIN neebe mos veterano luta ukun rasik aan hori 1974.

“Hau ho Sr Xanana laos foin dadaun mak konhese malu.  Konhese malu kleur ona.  Kontra malu politikamente mos hori uluk kedas.  Maibe laos dehan fali ita labele koalia ho malu kona ba assuntu importante.  Ita bele no tenke koalia malu liliu kona ba assuntu ida assosiasaun empresario Manufahi nian neebe hau mak coordena no representa.  Laos fali katak agora hau atu tuir nia ka simu nia hanoin kona ba PEDN ka politika seluk.  Nee la los.  Se PEDN nee diak ba Povo Maubere no nasaun nee ka lae partidu FRETILIN mak sei analisa no desidi tuir mai nia posisaun oinsa.  Tamba nee mak hau dehan jornal STL hakerek dehan hau hakbesik aan fali ba Sr Xanana nee nakar mak barak.  Sira halo ona politika.  Nee hau husu sira labele halo. Diak liu sira reporta deit notisia, lalika manipula ba objectivu politiku,” dehan Adriano Corte Real. 
Nia dehan katak STL mos la buka konfirma ho nia rasik kona ba proposito encontro ho Sr Xanana, no ezigi STL atu hola sentidu de responsabilidade nudar nasionalista no patriota ba RDTL.   Nia hatutan katak nia dere ba STL atu esklarese ida nee ohin no atu husu sira hakerek notisia lolos.


Mari Alkatiri speech at 36th ASDT/FRETILIN Anniversary Celebrations, 20 May 2010

Speech by the Secretary General of the FRETILIN, Dr. Mari Alkatiri at the Commemoration Ceremony of the 36th anniversary of ASDT/FRETILIN
“FRETILIN is now like Flower Bloom”
FRETILIN Central Committee - Comoro, Dili
Thursday, 20 May 2010

Thank you.  Normally I only wear this cap during campaigns, but since some people have started campaigning already, it is also my right to campaign.

Your Excellency, the President of the Republic.

Your Excellency and Comrade President LuOlo.

The Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations.

Presidents and Representatives of other political parties, invited friends, Members of the Diplomatic Corps. 

Dear invited guests, Buiberes and Mauberes.

On the 31st of December 2009, when we once again reflected on the day Nicolau Lobato was killed in combat, in the name of the leadership I stated that we must celebrate 2010-2020, as a period of forthcoming peace, stability and development.

Right at this time we are all here as we have started to rehabilitate this party headquarters, we can also reflect back to 2006 when people came to burn this place down.  Nevertheless we stood firm and now look to the future.  This does not mean we will forget what happened in the past, because if we forget, we do not learn.  But we must accept it as a burden for us all so that we can learn.

We can see where we erred and where others erred.  This is the most important thing.  We can’t just blame other people for mistakes, imagining only ourselves to never err.  To think and say someone else made all the mistakes and someone else ruined everything.  That’s not right.  To think like that does not help us in seeking out solutions.  To think like that is to always create confusion only.

The crisis happened in 2006 because there were many things wrong.  It was not Mari Alkatiri alone who made mistakes.  I however confronted my errors.  Because of this, and I do not to reflect on it again, I confronted various threats, I faced justice and was vindicated.  I did not run from Timor-Leste, I did not pass blame onto to others or blame my different ministers.  I did not say that it was the government’s mistake, but accepted that as Prime Minister, it was my mistake.

When one is the boss, really the boss, it is not only to be the boss when things go right and then when something goes wrong we say it is our children who did wrong.  Because of this, we all wish to look forward, we all wish our country to be better for everyone, but there is not one person alone who can create miracles.  Our country will be better through all our efforts, with all of us working to find a way to help our nation move forward.  One person alone will not be able to do this, regardless of whether he is a hero or not.

For this reason I am wearing the (FRETILIN) hat because it is campaign time.  Only I do not come to blame someone else, I come to say that it is time for us to join together, time to look forward, to see our country as a collective project, a collective project of the Maubere people.

I do not dream of being a prophet, therefore I do not dream of writing another bible.  When we say we should be humble, it means we also have to be honest.  As the Portuguese saying goes – ‘actions are the measure of truth’.  It is in our actions that we prove ourselves to be either honest or not.  Now if we say we want to be humble, we must be honest and not just look for humility in other people or to blame others.

We invited all the parties to come together with us today to commemorate the 36th anniversary of ASDT/FRETILIN because for FRETILIN there is no party in this country that is our enemy. There are no enemy parties.  Enemies are a thing of the past.  Today you can come from one party and tomorrow part of an alliance.  There is no enemy.  Some people have said that perhaps the country would be better if FRETILIN and CNRT were together.  We cannot say that just because we do not want something today, that we will not do that same thing then tomorrow.  We can’t do that, not because we are friends or that we can’t be friends, but because to form an alliance, we must clearly know what the alliance will be based on.  For this reason history is important and a guide for us to develop our country.  We all wish our country to be the best in the world.  Who doesn’t want that?  We all want it.  It is the Maubere people’s goal.

Some people think this country could be an example to the world, but there is only money and the country is still poor.  On one hand, money is important, but on the other hand the capacity must exist to plan and realize programs and projects.  The capacity to save money is good but when the money is used, there must be a benefit to the people.  The money is not my grandfather’s or grandmother’s to do as I please.

It’s not ethical in Timor when we use money to buy people and to buy their souls.  It’s not ethical and not good.  It is also not ethical when we try to mobilize to buy votes.  Perhaps in place of consciously giving to people, we should use the path of development to improve people’s well being.  It is also not ethical to go to communities and use another party’s flag or symbols.

I think it is time for us to provide a good example for our beloved country, especially for the young people.

Dr Ramos Horta, former member of FRETILIN Central Committee (CCF) and founder of ASDT/FRETILIN, in the campaign I called him no longer the ‘founder’ but the ‘wrecker’ of FRETILIN. But he was unable to wreck FRETILIN, so he has become the ‘founder’ again. Dr Ramos Horta, President of the Republic has come here today, the first time as the Head of State, but he is also here as the found of ASDT/FRETILIN, and as a former member of the FRETILIN Central Committee.

Although we both have criticized each other heavily, we continue to invite him.  I believe my brother Xanana would be here today too if he were not on the National Strategic Development Plan campaign.  Xanana is also a former member of the FRETILIN Central Committee.

I have not yet called him ‘grandfather’ because I am also old already, and also because ‘Grandfather’  Xavier was not able to come today as he has just returned from Singapore and he is still recovering his health.  Just before coming here today, I received a call from South Korea greeting me, “Camarada”.  Who was it?  Joao Carrascalao, the Timorese Ambassador to South Korea to send his congratulations to FRETILIN.

Before coming on stage I received an SMS from Lisbon, I thought at first from Dr. Ramos Horta but he is sitting here in front; it was in fact from Dr. Abilio Araujo to send congratulations to us all today as we commemorate 36 years of ASDT/FRETILIN.  It is important for us to think back to when we started it all because we think back in order to write our history for the future.  It is very important for us to do so that we can look forward as well.

We hear a lot of talk about the National Strategic Development Plan.  I received a copy before Mr. Xanana Gusmao, as the de facto Prime Minister, began traveling place to place looking for the people’s support.  So we decided not to say no, but think that what we have already done should not be reinvent.  Such as we hear today when we reinvent – we all waste time.

We need a plan to implement up to 2030, but we also need to see clearly 2030 and 2040 who will govern up to then?  I will not live to that time.  My brother Xanana will also not live to that time.  So if I will not be alive and neither will brother Banana be alive, perhaps it is better to look for consensus to make such a plan so that a future government doesn’t just put it in a drawer.  We have experienced this before when we had the National Development Plan.  We later prepared the Road Map and the Sector Investment Programs.  The AMP just put them in a drawer, they put everything in an empty drawer and locked it all up.  It’s been a waste of three years time to prepare their plan.  Now they are making a new plan.

We can’t just straight out reject the plan that comes from Xanana, or from whomever.  We all need to see it, study it, look for consensus so we all can develop for the future and so that the generation of today and the generation of tomorrow can still hold on to this plan.  But a plan is not like the Bible because a plan must be dynamic.  It is not like the Bible or the Quran.  The plan can be made, but the plan made today can be changed tomorrow.  If we start to make it like the Bible or the Quran, then we may start to think there is a new religion formed.

For a true plan we should sit together and discuss it so we can come to an agreement on the plan and to implement it for our country and our people.  Through a consensus, we can contribute to such a plan.  We will still contribute because who would not want our country of Timor-Leste to not do well? 

Now some are starting to talk of municipal elections.  Before I also thought that it was too soon to implement municipal elections.  When I said that we were content to accept it all as planned, some thought and said that I was power seeking.  Following the process, the suco elections that were held, although parties did not participate in the election, we still know FRETILIN largely won and as a result they have delayed the municipal elections.  That’s not a problem as we are ready anytime.  FRETILIN was the only one to say from the start that it was too soon to have municipal elections.

Now some others have started to say that if there are early national elections, which depends on our brother Ramos Horta.  The President of the Republic is still studying the issue, but I have heard that after big brother prophet Xanana Gusmao returns, he will ask for early elections.  I have heard that rumour.  If it is true or not or some secret then the President of the Republic may know, I don’t know but have heard the rumours.  If I think that this is the idea, we need to prepare a good temperature for holding early elections.

We are ready, for FRETILIN elections can be tomorrow, anytime later or in 2012.  I can say that FRETILIN is ready to win.  Ready to win not like we won in 2007 – no!  To really win!

Now an Alliance for the Future.  In the leadership’s name, as we have said already many times, whether FRETILIN wins 30% or 40% or 50% or 60%, we will make every effort not to rule alone.  FRETILIN will look for others from other political parties to come together and govern with us.  For the next ten years Timor-Leste still needs everyone; no one should feel excluded or isolated in their own nation.  This is not the time to bring confusion.  However we cannot oblige someone to join us who does not want to join.

Before 2007 everyone was running from FRETILIN.  Some saw FRETILIN as a sickness, as a demon spreading a disease – contagious.  But that time is past.  Now no one sees FRETILIN as some disease, now it seems FRETILIN has become the “pretty girl”.  So pretty that everyone wants to go out with FRETILIN and to marry FRETILIN – because FRETILIN is like a blossoming flower.  Perhaps because Lu-Olo is the handsome one as I am already too old to be that.

Well that’s good because that shows that the time where everyone saw FRETILIN as the enemy is in the past.  It shows that Timor-Leste has found the road to peace and development.  Some people from CNRT have come to me asking, “I have heard that you have met with PSD,” and I say: “Why not?  They are not diseased, they are fine.  Why shouldn’t I meet with them?  I have said to them, if they want to talk with us, we will talk with them.  Firstly, because my eyes are open.  Secondly, because we don’t fear anyone.  That is the condition of these times.”  Before when I studied mathematics, I learnt the principle that the necessary conditions are sufficient.

Now Comrades, today on this 36th anniversary, we commemorate ASDT/FRETILIN birth for all of us and not only FRETILIN.  Eight years since the restoration of independence, today we all celebrate the restoration of independence as a holiday, I think that in future as a state we should have one message, on this holiday of the Restoration of Independence, National Independence, we must give the opportunity to provide development for the people.  Not to have our people left by on the side of the road.  This celebration is for everyone, is a celebration of the people. We want people to taste the fruits of independence in this nation, and we will do that shortly when we hold our party consolidation program.

We know that the restructuring of FRETILIN will finish soon.  Now we will hold our consolidation program.  I have information on our party database (of members), but only that which has already entered in the computer, not other membership subscriptions yet to be put into the database.

The information comes from all 13 districts and the database figures to date show that our party membership exceeds 150,000.  I want to say the following for other parties here today to hear, but we always say this wherever we go, village to suco, suco to sub-district, sub-district to district, that of any 100 voters, 60 will be registered FRETILIN members.

Therefore in 2012 perhaps our share of the vote will be 60%?  The Baucau restructuring has surpassed that percentage already.  Viqueque and Lautem are close to it.  But better yet, we should talk about a district most people don’t expect, Ermera is also close to that figure.  Today I am campaigning, and campaigning properly!  Ok.  My message is this: already in many districts of 100 voters, 60 are FRETILIN members, that means if just the members vote for FRETILIN, we will win 60% of the vote at the next elections.

Thank you.

(Note: this is a translation of a transcript of an unwritten speech delivered in Tetum.  Some meaning and nuances may have been lost in translation.  Readers should bear this in mind whilst reading it.)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Deklarasaun Politika : Desastre Infraestruturas AMP Nian


Declaração Politica

Dili, 25 de Maio de 2010

Nai  Presidente Parlamento Nacional

Fernando de Araújo – Lasama


Atu hamentin ita nia Independência hau hanesan Deputado  membro Parlamento Nacional no representante Povo nia, iha dever hodi haburas, no hamentin uma fukun ne’e nia knaar, hodi tatoli Povu nia preocupação ba Governo, no sai Povu nia lian, Povu nia isin, no materializa povo nia mehi.

Nudar Deputado hussi bancada FRETILIN hanesan oposição iha knaar no iha competência tomak atu tatoli Povu nia lian no hussu ba Governo, tuir art. 9°, alinea h, no artigos 137° e  138° tuir Rejimento haruka.

Halo requerimento ida ne’e hau hakarak hussu ba Governo atu bele hatan resposta ho escrito tuir Konstituição da República artigo 101° no. 2  e artigo 107°. Atu nune’e ita hotu bele hakruk ka halo tuir lei nebe iha.

Declaração Politica.

► Ohin Bancada Fretilin hakarak koalia kona Construções Projectos Físicos nebe halo hussi Ministérios GAMP em geral e em particular Ministério Educação. Ami hanoin GAMP ne’e laiha duni sentido de estado, laiha sentido patriotismo tamba desenvolvimento ida ne’e halo la tuir plano desenvolvimento nebe integrado ho efectivo no eficiente.

Tinan Infrastruturas hahu hanaran iha 2008, continua mai iha 2009, osan tokon ba tokon aloka atu halo desenvolvimento maibe realidade la acontece buat ida. Electricidade mate lakan to’o oin loron, Estradas
koak ba koak mai taka mos lahatene. Orçamento nebe aloka ba construção Óleo pesado mos la realiza tamba laiha plano. Osan ne’e mak aloka fali ba iha pakote referendum, maibe realidade hatudo momos katak osan ne’e
lakon mak barak la halo buat ida ho diak.

Dader san kmanek ida ne’e, Fretilin halo declaração politica atu hatete sai ba ema hotu katak ME laiha capacidade halo gestão ba Ministério nebe refere.

Escolas iha fatin barak to’o oin loron laiha condições, caretiras escola balu laiha, curso intensivo ba professores mos lao, nakonu ho manipulação ba osan nebe aloka, hanesan hakerek iha petição hussi Sindikato Professores sira hussi Baucau.

Iha inicio 2008, ME racik mai iha uma fukun ida ne’e canta, atu loke tan Escola Politicnica rua. Maibe ita iha ona 2010 la acontece buat ida. Hanoin hakarak halo barak maibe la sukat nia an. Hakarak halo barak maibe escolas nebe Técnico hanesan EPB ignora tiha. Crise 2006 escola nebe refere hetan estragos, maibe to’o oin loron la fo atenção, halo finge haluha tiha.

Depois de hetan estragos, to’o oin loron equipamentos laboratorium laiha, estudantes sira ne’e halo praktek fali iha DIT. Hahalok hanesan ne’e Fretilin considera iha “Conflict of Enterest”. Ita hotu hatene katak Shr. João Cancio hanesan eis Reitor DIT. Professores hussi EPB hanesan orientadores ba sira nia estudantes ba halao praktek hirak ne’e mos la hetan osan ruma, to’o oin loron.

Tinan tolu nia laran Fretilin hakilar atu bele rehabilita no cria fali condições ba escola nebe refere, maibe la fo atenção máximo, foin lalais ne’e mak iha orçamento $ 300 000 e tal mil atu hadiah escola ne’e ho escola secundário ida iha Becora.

Maibe, tamba Irresponsabilidade, Incapacidade ME, EPB horseik iha sala ida nebe rehabilitado hetan desastre, Forro/Plafon sala ne’e nia monu no halo kanek estudantes lubuk ida, Professor no estudante ida lori kedas ba Hospital ho ambulância. (Hare fotografias)

Fretilin considera hanesan “Kelalaian”  la fo atenção/interesse hussi ME no Companhia nebe halo rehabilitação ne’e. Fretilin hussu atu halo investigação urgente ba assunto nebe refere.

Ministério Educação aloka osan iha pacote referendum rihun ba rihun halo escolas emergências, hanesan Distintos Deputados barak mos lamenta katak la iha qualidade. Escolas iha fatin balu to’o oin loron escola oan sira sei tur iha rai, tamba Carteiras la iha. Halo mos escolas emergências nebe halo arbiru deit, la halo plano ho diak.

Nain Presidente no maluk Deputados sira.

GAMP ida ne’e, hakarak halo buat hotu hotu hanesan mehi, maibe lakohi sukat nia capacidade. Se halo deit rehabilitação ba escola ida mos la consegue controla supervisiona ho diak, oin sa hakarak halo projecto ho valor osan nebe boot?

Piur liu tan começa halo campanha atu muda Lei Fundo Petrolifero liu 3%? Lei nebe refere la bandu atu foti osan Fundo Minarai nia liu 3%.
Maibe será que GAMP iha Plano no Capacidade atu bele executa osan nebe boot?

Osan nebe aloka ba Central electrica mos problema, aloka tan osan ne’e ba iha pakote referendum, to’o ona tina klaran seidauk iha relatorio.

Oin nusa GAMP aloka osan barak atu executa? Problema boot liu tan mak, tinan 3 nia laran GAMP aloka osan hamutuk mais menos $ 2000 milhões. Resultado?!...... Beneficio?!..........

GAMP ukun hanoin nia enteresse deit, halo decisão Politica, Social no Economia nakonu ho perseguição.

Tamba ne’e Fretilin hakarak declara katak, diak liu mandatu ukun ida ne’e fo kedas ona ba POVO MAUBERE decide atu nune’e Estado ida ne’e lao nafatin ba oin ho PAZ, ESTABILIDADE e DESENVOLVIMENTO.

Ho nune’e Fretilin hussu no exige ba Parlamento ida ne’e atu urgentemente tenke halo investigação ba assuntos sira nebe GAMP halo la tuir Constituição no leis nebe vigora iha Nação RDTL.

Ba ita boot sira nia atensaun hau hato’o Obrigado barak.

Inacio Freitas Moreira

Deputado Fretilin

Ba informsaun tan dere mai deputado Jose Teixeira iha 728 7080