Media service of the FRETILIN party.
Servisu media partidu FRETILIN nian.


Deputadu Jose Teixeira
Tel. Mobile: +670 728 7080

Sunday, November 27, 2011

KOMUNIKADU: Estrutura Partidu FRETILIN tomak apoia Lu Olo ba Presidenti RDTL



Dili, 27 Novembru 2011

Estrutura Partidu FRETILIN tomak apoia Lu Olo ba Presidenti RDTL

Enkontru Comite Central FRETILIN nian neebe halau ohin iha fatin Madres Canossianas nian iha Becora, ho partisipasaun husi estruturas Komisaun Politika Distrital 13 no coordenadores husi sub-distritais 65, deside atu fo apoiu tomak ba Prezidente FRETILIN Francisco Guterres Lu Olo nudar partidu nee nia kandidatu ba Prezidente RDTL iha eleisaun 2012, dehan Adjuntu Secretariu Geral FRETILIN nian Jose Reis.

“Prezidente Lu-Olo agradese no senti honrado ba apoiu makas neebe nia simu ohin husi kuadrus FRETILIN tomak neebe deklara sira nia apoiu ba nia Kandidatura ba Prezidente Republika iha enkontru CCF nee. Maibe Prezidente Lu-Olo husu ba CCF no militantes no kuadrus hotuhotu atu fo tempu semana rua ba nia atu pondera, hamutuk ho secretario geral FRETILIN nian, kestoens balun neebe iha relevansia ba interese nasional molok nia anunsia ninian kandidatura ba Prezidente Republkika iha eleisaun 2012,” Reis affirma.

“Reuniaun CCF ohin desidi mos, no lideransa FRETILIN hakarak kuadrus tomak FRETILIN neebe partisipa iha reuniaun CCF nian nee atu realsa ba militantes FRETILIN hotuhotu iha base, katak se se deit mak atu sai candidato FRETILIN nian iha eleisaun ba presidenti republika iha 2012 sei lori bandeira FRETILIN nian,” nia hatutan.

Ba informasaun tan dere ba Jose Reis, Adjunto Secretario Geral FRETILIN  iha 734 1505.

Monday, November 21, 2011




Díli, 21 de novembro de 2011


Uma convergência entre os partidos com assento no Parlamento de Timor-Leste derrotou uma tentativa do governo de facto de Xanana Gusmão, de criar uma companhia de investimento estatal financiada pelo fundo nacional de petróleo.

O Parlamento votou hoje a favor de uma moção  da FRETILIN, PD (Partido Democrata), e do PUN (Partido de Unidade Nacional) para excluir da lei do  Orçamento  de Estado para 2012  uma proposta do governo de Xanana Gusmão, para a criação de  uma sociedade de investimento de total propriedade do Estado, com um capital inicial de $ 200 milhões de dólares americanos.

O deputado e porta-voz da FRETILIN, José Teixeira, disse hoje que a moção foi bem-sucedida e que foi coassinada pelo ex-vice-primeiro-ministro e fundador do Partido Social Democrata (PSD), Mário Carrascalão, e aprovada por uma maioria de deputados de quatro partidos, incluindo dois do partido da coligação governativa do Sr. Gusmão. Cinco deputados do próprio partido do Sr. Xanana Gusmão, CNRT, abstiveram-se na votação.

"O voto foi para combater a proposta de retirar 200 milhões de dólares americanos do Orçamento do Estado para 2012, este montante iria ser retirado do fundo do petróleo para capitalizar a Companhia Nacional de Investimento de Timor Leste (CNIT)," disse o Sr. Teixeira.

"O governo de Xanana Gusmão afirmou que a CNIT seria modulada nos termos da empresa de Singapura, da qual o governo (de Singapura) é proprietário, Temasek Holding Company ", disse o Sr. Teixeira.

"No entanto, os deputados de todos os partidos, incluindo do próprio partido do primeiro-ministro, CNRT, expressaram as suas preocupações sobre o enorme montante de dinheiro envolvido, a falta de transparência, e a falta de detalhes sobre como a empresa seria gerida e os seus investimentos propostos.

"Muitos deputados também questionaram a ausência de uma base legal transparente para a proposta. O governo aprovou um decreto-lei para criar a empresa, o qual nós argumentamos que deveria ter vindo ao parlamento.

"O governo não ofereceu qualquer estudos de viabilidade em relação aos investimentos, ou disse em quê que a empresa iria investir".

"Muitos deputados são da opinião de que seria melhor se o dinheiro fosse investido em sectores vitais como a saúde, educação e agricultura, uma vez que estas áreas juntas , apenas recebem cerca de dez por cento do orçamento total", acrescentou o Sr. Teixeira.

O Debate sobre a lei do Orçamento do Estado para 2012 vai continuar até o final desta semana.

Para informação adicional ligue ao José Teixeira +670 728 7080

Parliament vetoes government move to create State investment company

Media Release

Dili, 21 November 2011

Parliament vetoes government move to create State investment company

A cross-party alliance in Timor-Leste’s parliament has defeated an attempt by Xanana Gusmao’s de facto government to set up a State-owned investment company financed by the national petroleum fund.

Parliament today voted in favour of a FRETILIN, PD (Democratic Party), and PUN (National Unity Party) motion to delete from the 2012 State Budget Law a Gusmao administration proposal to create a wholly State-owned investment company with a starting capital of USD$200 million.

FRETILIN MP and spokesperson Jose Teixeira said today the successful motion was co-signed by former Deputy Prime Minister and Social Democratic Party (PSD) founder Mario Carrascalao, and approved by a majority of MPs from four parties, including two that are part of Mr Gusmao’s governing coalition. Five MPs from Mr Gusmao’s own CNRT party abstained from the vote.

“The vote is to strike from the 2012 state budget USD$200 million, which would have been taken from the petroleum fund to capitalize the Timor-Leste National Investment Company (CNIT),” Mr Teixeira said.

‘The Gusmao administration claimed that CNIT was to be modeled on the Singapore government-owned Temasek holding company,” Mr Teixeira said.

“However, MPs from all sides including the PM’s own CNRT expressed their concerns about the huge amount of money involved, the lack of transparency and the lack of detail about both how the company would be managed and its proposed investments. 

“Many MPs also questioned the absence of a transparent legal base for the proposal.  The government passed a decree law to create the company, which we argue should have gone to parliament. 

“The government did not offer any feasibility studies concerning investments, or say what the company was supposed to invest in. 

“Many MPs felt money was better invested in vital sectors such health, education and agriculture which together receive only a little over ten percent of the total budget,” Mr Teixeira added. 
Debate on the 2012 state budget law will continue until end of this week. 


Monday, November 14, 2011




Dili, 11 November 2011

Mr. President of the National Parliament,
Distinct Deputies,
His Excellency Mr. Xanana Gusmao and delegation,
People of Timor-Leste.

Annually the government led by his Excellency Mr. Xanana Gusmao, have presented budget proposals to this noble chamber that have greatly increased, and this National Parliament has approved the government’s budgets allegedly with the view of moving development forward and to better the lives of our people.  

The rate of execution of these annual budgets have also said to have increased and said to have constantly improved.  From 2007 to October 2011 the Government has only spent US$3 billion from a total of the US$5 billion approved by the National Parliament, all said to be to aimed at financing programs and fulfilling all sorts of promises made to our people by them.

“During the time of struggle we spilt blood, but now we spill money,” this has been the motto of his Excellency Mr. Xanana Gusmao.  But what has been the result from this?

The indicators show that “many things” have been done during His Excellency Xanana Gusmao’s governance, but there have not been any significant results.

Any results have not been in proportion to what should have resulted from the very large amounts of money that have thus far been poured out, nor has it brought any positive impact to our peoples’ daily lives.

Reality shows, Timor-Leste has indeed had peace and stability in these last years, but attaining such peace and stability has also depended largely on the political good will and cooperation that FRETILIN, as the de facto opposition has shown.  

The FRETILIN bench anticipates that the 2012 election will indeed be a democratic feast for our people that the outcome from the final votes cast by our people will be respected, and that whoever becomes the opposition will maintain the culture that has been built over the last four years, so that our people can live in peace.  That the future opposition will guarantee a normal governance cycle, so that political stability can be realized as a condition sine qua non for national development.

Because, reality has already shown, despite being a small opposition, when the opposition does not want to cooperate to undertake its opposition in the right place, but instead the opposition mobilizes demonstrations everyday, it will not contribute to fostering stability.   Similarly, when the President of the Republic as head of state fails to conduct himself in accordance with the constitution but instead becomes leader of the opposition, then there will not be the environment for stable and peaceful governance.


The “Unprecedented Economic Growth” that is said to be the successful result of this governance, has come from budgetary growth and large spending and quick spilling out of public investment especially on infrastructure.  However, private foreign investment does not exist.  Similarly, there is no permanent employment, foreign workers dominate everywhere, and our youth unemployment keeps growing. Investment in the productive sector, such as agriculture is less and less. There is total dependence on imports, with inflation uncontrollable, and the price of goods rising beyond the affordability of our people.  

The agricultural sector has no productivity. Despite mechanization (distributing tractors and all sorts of machinery, but even those who are not farmers also receiving these), as Mr. Gil Alves, Minister for Commerce has said, agricultural production has not even reached 10% of the national food security needs, and we are still heavily dependent on foreign imports of produce such as rice, fruit, poultry, eggs, etc.  It shows that the government has lied to the people with the numerous statistics on agricultural production.

The budget policy has been more oriented towards infrastructure with various megaprojects, annually increasing, all said to be in order to maintain “economic growth.”  In the meantime the investment base in health and education continues to be fall, as we can again see from the 2012 budget proposal.

Lost of money has been poured out but roads continue in a poor condition everywhere.  Lots of money has been spent just on filling potholes.  Because of the problems of impassable roads, some sucos and sub districts, for example Laclubar, Alas and others, that previously had good access, are now isolated.  Potable water continues to be a problem for the population both in urban and rural areas.

Electricity is still going on and off, despite annually large amounts of money being allocated to generators and fuel, but because of mismanagement, the people continue to complain because of shortages and cuts.  A lot of money has been spent on the megaproject Power Station but we do not know the actual total cost of this project, nor the projected budget that will be needed for the operational servicing and maintenance in the future, nor its sustainability.   

In health and education, investment has fallen.  Because of this there has been no significant improvement in these two areas.  Pharmaceuticals are lacking in the hospitals, and the quality of general health care has fallen.  Many schools do not have conditions for our children to learn, because schools are degraded, there are insufficient classrooms, chairs and tables are not available, and not to speak of no libraries or laboratories in schools.  All schools lack in basic sanitary needs (toilets and potable water), and many school children still do not have access to the school-feeding program.

This is how you pour out huge amounts of money, but as the President of the Republic recently told the national media, many of our rural population have to date not benefitted in terms of development, and continue to live in difficult circumstances.

Much of our population continues to be unable to access to basic needs (food, clothing and housing).  There is still hunger and malnutrition, and they are growing. Chronic malnutrition and infant mortality continues to remain unacceptably high.  Inequality continues to grow in our society because the majority of our people remain in poverty, and in fact increasing poverty, whilst a small group of people that have access and knowledge, or know how to steal, have become very rich and are becoming richer and fatter by the day. 

The FRETILIN bench is very concerned with the actual living conditions of our people, and perhaps this is the result of the petroleum curse that other petroleum producing nations have also faced.  Huge amounts of money are allocated to infrastructure to “waste” or pour out on the ground uselessly, and in the end no benefit brought to our people.

Mr. President,
People of Timor-Leste,

An evaluation of the five years of His Excellency Xanana Gusmao’s government has brought us to this 2012 budget, his final budget.  In this proposal, the de facto government has increased the budget by 35% compared with the 2011 budget, a budget increase in uncertain circumstances, given that the system of controls and management of public finances are poor. 

The last five years has shown us what can happen, as has happened, that the budget that has increased in a short time, has not been in keeping with the capacity of the machinery of the state to prepare itself to manage and control it effectively.  This has created the opportunity for bad administration, diversion of large amounts of state funds, wasteful spending, and growing corruption.

The annual budget has grown, but because of a lack of capacity to absorb minimally has resulted in 70 % of the budget fly out of the country, with only 30% staying in the country. But because of bad management and lack of control, 15% has gone straight into the private pockets of some people, according to the statement of His Excellency Mr. Xanana Gusmao himself at the Dili Convention Centre on 1 August.  The remaining 15% from this huge amount of money has gone into projects around the country that have no quality.  So, every year the money increases only to make the corrupt richer.

But the government is not coherent with the allocation of this large amount of money, because attention is not given to state institutions that have the function of controlling and strengthening justice, such as the Inspector General, the Anti Corruption Commission, the Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice, the Prosecutor General’s Office, and the courts.  Even with these institutions the government has cut their budget, as an attempt to weaken their ability to safeguard our peoples’ money. There is no political will to secure a system of controlling and fighting corruption, not just establishing institutions, but more importantly the political is not reflected in the budget allocation priorities to these institutions to enable them to function effectively.

This budget also has proposed increases claimed to be to meet the peoples’ needs in the MDGs, of building houses in the villages.  This money should really be invested in the villages but instead it has been turned into a megaproject of pre-fabricated housing that will benefit a small group of people who will simply skip away from our country with huge amounts of money.  It is a project that has inadequate planning and design, has weak quality control, and has involved a tender that has not been transparent.  Because of the problem with land ownership, the government has decided that in 2012 it will merely move ahead with pilot projects.  If that is the case then why have they budgeted the whole amount of the proposed project for this coming year?

The increase in the 2012 budget includes authorization for US$33.1 million in proposed external loans.  Some may say this is a small amount of money, but the problem is that we will begin to accumulate debt, and the experience is that once you start to owe you never stop. We will be leaving a heavy burden for future generations.  Limited institutional capacities to manage, resulting in wasteful spending as has already happened with the Petroleum Fund, will mean that in the end it will deliver nothing for our people.

If we look at the current global situation, we need to contain some areas of our public spending, such as the proposed spending of US$4 million on festivities on historic events next year, which do not call for big parties, where our leaders can shower themselves with champagne, as we have all seen recently on TV.

The proposed budget allocation for acquiring motor vehicles for members of national parliament and other state institutions can also be cut. The acquisition of more vehicles will only increase the budgetary burden on the state’s “goods and services” for maintenance and fuel costs, and will in turn become a huge opportunity for corruption in our state institutions as has been reported by the Anti Corruption Commission in its recent investigation where 51% of state fuel coupons have been used to fill private motor vehicles.

This parliament also needs to reform the law regarding former elected officials and the pensions to former members of government and members of parliament to correspond with current circumstances, and that will also be more socially just, as the FRETILIN bench has demanded be done several times to date.


The proposed state budget for 2012 has been brought to the parliament with a huge increase for megaprojects and many new physical projects, but as we all know, in two or three more months, we will all be entering presidential and parliamentary election phase.

The FRETILIN bench is concerned that the government will not have sufficient time to implement the budget.  This is clear evidence that this government has been unrealistic in its budget elaboration and has merely sought to tie up a future government that will shortly be elected in the upcoming elections.  Perhaps it is an election budget to benefit one particular political party?

Just like every year, because there is no integrated planning and there is no technical rigor nor professionalism in the planning and budget forecast process, this government will not be able to execute the planned 2012 budget that this National Parliament will approve.  The government will instead improvise as usual and will transfer the budget allocations here and there, and will incur debts everywhere, a situation that has been publicly acknowledged by Mr. Xanana himself at the Dili Convention Centre last August.

So the 2012 state budget, as well as being unrealistic, just like the previous budgets, it is not credible, and will merely be a budget for festivities, and to pay debts that the government has incurred.

Thank you.

Deputado Aniceto Guterres
Leader of the FRETILIN Parliamentary Bench

Friday, November 11, 2011




Dili, 11 de Novembro 2011

Sr Presidente Parlamento Nacional,
Distintos Deputados
Sua Exelencia Sr Xanana Gusmao ho nia komitiva,
Povo Timor-Leste tomak,

Tinan-tinan mak, Governu ne’ebe lidera hosi Sua Exelencia Sr. Xanana Gusmao, apresenta orsamentu ne’ebe bobot ho tendensia sae maka’as, mai iha uma fukun ne’e, no Parlamentu Nasional ida ne’e mak aprova orsamentu ba governu atu gasta osan hodi halao dezenvolvimentu no hadia povu nia moris.

Taxa exekusaun orsamental mos tinan-tinan aumenta no diak ba bebebik. Husi 2007 to’o 31 de Outubro 2011 Governu gasta ona hamutuk osan $3 biliaun hosi total osan ne’ebe hetan aprovasaun husi Parlamentu Nasional  $5 biliaun, hodi finansia programas no atu kumpri promesas oioin ne’ebe halo ba povu.

“Uluk iha tempu funu ita fakar ran, maibe agora ita fakar osan” Ne’e mak slogan Sua Exelensia Sr. Xanana nia slogan.  Maibe oin sa nia resultadu?

Indikadores hatudu katak buat barak ne’ebe konsege halo duni durante Sua Exelensia Xanana Gusmao nia governasaun, maibe resultadu signifikativu la iha. Resultadu ne’ebe iha, la koresponde ho osan barbarak ne’ebe fakar ona, no la lori inpaktu ba povu nia moris lorloron.

Realidade hatudu, Timor-Leste iha duni paz no estabilidade iha tinan hirak ne’e nia laran, maibe tanba estabilidade no paz ne’ebe iha, depende barak liu ba vontade politika  diak no koperasaun ne’ebe hatudu ona durante ne’e, hosi FRETILIN nudar opozisaun de facto.

Bankada FRETILIN hein katak, eleisaun 2012 sai duni festa demokrasia ba povu, no se deit mak manna tuir resultadu final votus povu nian, tenke simu, no opozisaun tenke mantein kultura ne’ebe ita buka hari’I iha tinan hat nia laran, atu nune povu bele moris hakmatek, garante siklu normal governasaun, nune’e bele hetan estabilidade politika nudar kondisaun sine qua nom ba dezenvolvimentu Nasional.

Tanba, realidade mos hatudu tia ona, katak opozisaun maske kiik maibe winhira opozisaun lakohi kopera hodi halo nia knar iha fatin lolos, maibe opozisaun halo iha liur hodi mobiliza manifestasaun  lorloron, sei la kontribui  ba hamosu situasaun estavel. Nune’e mos, bainhira Presidente da Republika ida la halo nia knar tuir konstituisaun hanesan chefe do estadu maibe sai fali chefe opozisaun, mak laiha kondisoens atu bele iha estabilidade hodi governasaun bele lao iha situasaun hakmatek no diak.


“Crescimento Economico sem Presedentes” ne’ebe sai nudar resultadu susesu ba governasaun ida ne’e, mai hosi kresimentu orsamentu no gastus bobot no fakar lalais iha investimentu publiku liu-liu iha enfraestrutura. Maibe investimentu privadu husi rai liur la iha. Nune’e, la iha empregu permanente, trabalhadores estrangeiru domina iha fatin-fatin, no jovem dezempregadu aumenta ba bebeik, tanba investimentu iha seitores produtivu, hanesan agrikultura menus liu, Dependensia total ba inportasaun, nune’e inflasaun mos labele kontola, no sasan folin a’as ba bebeik.

Seitor agrikultura, laiha produktividade. Maske halo ona mekanizasaun (fahe trator no makina oioin, maibe ema balu ne’ebe laos agrikultor mos simu) maibe hanesan Sr. Gil Alves, Ministru Komersiu hatete, katak produsaun agrikultura seidauk to’o 10 % hosi nesesidade konsumu nasional, no dependesia bot liu nafatin ba importasaun produtus hanesan fos, aifuan, manu oan, manu tolun no sst. Hatudu katak Governu bosok povu ho numerus barbarak konaba produsaun.

Politika orsamental orientadu liu atu harii infraestrutura ho megaprojetu oioin, no tinan- tinan aumenta, atu mantein kresimentu ekonomiku. Enkuantu invetsimentu iha saude no edukasaun de base kontinua kiik, nee maka ita hare mos iha OGE 2012 nian.

Osan fakar barbarak ona maibe estradas kontinmua at no at iha fatin hotu. Osan barak liu gasta ba taka koak deit. Tanba problemas estradas, suku no sub distritu balu, exemplu hanesan Laklubar, Alas, no sst ne’ebe antes iha asesu diak, maibe agora sai fali isoladu. We mos sai nafatin problema ba populasaun husi areas urbanas to’o areas rurais.

Eletrisidade mate lakan nafatin, maske tinan-tinan tau osan bobot ba geradores no kombustivel, maibe tanba gestaun la diak, povu halerik nafatin. Megaprojetu Central Eletrika gasta osan barak ona maibe ita la hatene lolos kustu total projetu nian, no kalklu orsamental ne’ebe presiza hodi halao servisus operasionais no manutensaun iha futuru, no nia sustentabilidade.

Iha saude ho edukasaun, investimenmtu menus liu. Tanba ne’e situasaun la iha melhorias signifikativu. Hospitais aimoruk menus, no kualidade kuidadus de saude uitoan liu. Eskolas barak la iha kondisoens ba labarik sira atu iha aprendizagem, tanba eskola barak seit a’at, laiha salas naton, falta meja ho kadeira, sa tan bibiloteka, ho laboratoriu. Eskola hotu-hotu la iha saneamentu (sintina ho be mos), no barak mak la hetan merenda eskolar.

Nune’e mak, fakar ona osan barbarak, maibe hanesan Sr. Presidente da Republica hatete ba media nasional foin lalais ne’e, katak populasaun barak iha areas rurais seidauk sente buat barak hosi dezenvovimentu, no sei terus nafatin.

Povu barak tebes kontinua  nafatin la iha kbit atu iha asesu ba sasan primeira nesesidade (aihan, hatais no uma). Sei iha hamlaha no mal nutrisaun inves de tun maibe sae tan deit. Desnutrisaun kronika, mortalidade labarik no kosok sei as. Desigualdade bot ba bebeik iha sosiedade laran tanba maioria povu kontinua kiak no kiak ba bebeik, enkuantu grupu kiik oan ida ne’ebe iha asesu no hatene aproveita, ka hatene naok, maka sai riku matak no bokur ba bebeik.

Bankada FRETILIN preokupa tebes ho situasaun real ne’ebe povu moris dadauk, karik ida ne’e mak malisan minarai hanesan rai sira produtor mina seluk hasoru. Tau osan barbarak iha infraestrutura para halo “esbanjamentu” ka fakar arbiru deit, nu fim la lori benefisiu ba povu tomak.

Sr. Presidente,
Povu Timor-Leste tomak,

Balansu ba tinan lima governasaun Sua Exelensia Sr. Xanana Gusmao nian, lori ita ba tinan ikus apresentasaun proposta OGE 2012 nian. Iha proposta ne’e, Governu de facto aumenta tan osan 35 % kompara ho orsamentu 2011 nian, aumentu ne’ebe sira halo iha situasaun ne’ebe insertu, no iha sistema kontrolu no  gestaun finansas publikas ne’ebe la diak.

Realidade hatudu ona hanesan akontese durante tinan lima nia laran, katak orsamentu ne’ebe sae maka’as iha tempu badak, la tuir kapasidade makina estadu atu prepara nia a’an hodi halo gestaun no kontrolu diak, hamosu oportunidade ba mal administrasaun, desvius osan estadu nian ho montante bobot, gasta arbiru, no mosu korupsaun bobot.

Aumentu orsamentu bo’ot maibe tanba kapasidade absorsaun minimu halo osan semo hotu hanesan 70% sai ba rai liur, iha rai laran hela deit 30%, maibe tanba gestaun la diak no falta de kontrolu, 15% tama iha ema nia bolsu tuir afirmasaun Sua Exelensia Sr. Xanana rasik iha sentru konvensaun Dili 1 de Agostu. Restu 15% deit hosi osan bot ne’e, mak resulta ho projetus hotu ne’ebe namkari iha rai laran, maibe ho kualidade a’at. Ne duni, Tinan-tinan aumenta tan osan atu halo kotuptor sira bokur tan deit.

Maibe governu la koerente iha alokasaun osan barbarak ne’e, tanba la fo atensaun ba instituisoens estadu ne’ebe iha funsaun atu halo kontrolu no hametin justisa, hanesan Inpesaun geral, KAK, PDHJ, Ministeriu Publiku, no Tribunais. Ate ba instituisoens hirak nee, Governu koa tan fali sira nia osan, hanesan tentativa atu enfrakese sistema kontrolu ba osan povu nian. Tanba seriedade no vontade politika atu asegura sistema kontrolu no luta hasoru korupsaun laos deit hari’I instituisaun, maibe inportante liu tenke hatudu iha politika iha prioridades alokasaun orsamentu.

Iha mos aumentu iha orsamentu ne’e, atu hatan ba nesesidade povu nian hanesan  programa MDG, hari’I uma iha aldeias, karik osan ne’e investe iha aldeias maibe programa ida ne’e sai fali mega-projetu pre-fabrikadu ne’ebe mai benefisia grupu kiik atu lori osan halai ba liur, projetu ne’ebe laiha planu ne’ebe diak ho dezenhu, no kualidade kontrolu ne’ebe fraku, ho tender ne’ebe la iha transparensia ka tuir deit sistema kronismu nian. Tanba problema rai, 2012 Governu deside atu hahu’u lai ho projetus piloto, maibe tanba sa tau nafatin osan bobot?

Aumentu Orsamentu ba 2012 nian ne’e inklui mos 33.1 milhoens atu mai hosi divida ka halo tusan hosi rai liur. Karik ita bele dehan osan oituan, maibe problema mak ita komesa hahu’u deve, esperiensia hatudu bainhira komesa deve sei la para , no ita fo todan ba gerasaun sira ne’ebe sei mai. Problema seluk mak seidauk iha kapasidade instituisaun atu halo gestaun, nune’e bele gasta la ho didiak ka gasta arbiru hanesan ita halo dadauk ba Fundo Minarai nian, no ikus mai la iha proveitu ba povu.

Tuir lolos, hare ba situasaun global presiza halo kontensaun ba gastus publikus balu, exemplu hanesan alokasaun milaun 4 ba festa selebrasaun. Ita konkorda katak ita presiza selebra loron bo’ot sira ne’e, maibe la presiza ho festa, nune’e ulun bot sira fakar sampanye hodi rega malu, hanesan hatudu iha televizaun.

Tenke halo mos kontensaun ba sosa kareta, ba Parlamentu Nasional, Governu no orgaun sira seluk. Tanba sosa kareta sei halo todan nafatin ba orsamentu estadu liu-liu “bens e Servicos” atu halo manutensaun no  gastus ba kombustivel bot tetebes, no sai fali objetu ba korupsaun bobot iha instituisoens estadu nia laran, hanesan resultadu peskiza hosi KAK, ne’ebe hatete katak 51% senhas kombustivel enche ba kareta privadu.

Parlamentu ida ne’e mos presiza hare fali Estatutu Titulares no pensaun vitalisia ba eix-membro governu no eix-deputadu atu kondisiona ho situasaun real ohin loron, no bele lori justisa social, hanesan bankada FRETILIN husu dala barak ona ba meja.


Proposta OGE 2012, ne’e mai ho montante bo’ot tetebes hodi aumenta tan megaprojetus no projetus fisikus foun barak tan, maibe nudar ita hotu hatene, fulan rua tolu tan, ita tama ona ba eleisoens presidensiais no legislativas.

Bankada FRETILIN preokupa, tanba hare ba tempu Governu sei la konsege exekuta. Singifika Governu halo orsamentu la realista, no kompromete fali governu foun ne’ebe sei iha tempu badak sei mosu hosi resultadu eleisoens ne’e. Karik, orsamentu ba kampanha atu halo manan partidu ruma?

Hanesan tinan-tinan, tanba laiha planu integradu no laiha rigor tekniku no profesionalismu iha planifikasaun no previzaun orsamental, Governu sei la exekuta tuir planu orsamentu 2012 nian ne’ebe Parlamentu Nasional sei aprova. Governu sei halo inprovizasaun deit no sei halo transferensia tun sae ba osan estadu nian, no halo divida oioin, situasaun ne’ebe Sr. Xanana rasik preokupa iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili iha fulan Agostu liu ba.

Nune’e OGE 2012 nian ne’e, alem de la realista, maibe hanesan orsamentu tinan uluk-uluk nian, orsamentu ne’e la iha kredibilidade no orsamentu atu halo festa, no atu selu divida. Bankada FRETILIN sei la fo apoiu ba orsamentu hanesan ne’e.

Obrigadu !!!

Deputado Aniceto Guterres
Chefe da Bancada Parlamentar da FRETILIN